10 Everyday Habits That Make You Smarter

You are smart and clever. You learned to read, write, and do math all by yourself.

You know how to solve problems, make good decisions and handle stressful situations. But if you want to learn more and make life easier, try these tips!

1. Single task.

Multitasking is a myth. You can’t do two things at once, but you can switch back and forth between them. What this means is that when you’re trying to think about two things or answer multiple questions, it’s going to take more time than if you focused on one thing at a time. The same goes for doing too many tasks at once; try focusing on one task before moving on to another so that your brain has time to process each thought properly.

2. Climbs the stairs.

  • Climbing stairs is one of the best ways to get some exercise. You won’t need to go to the gym or run on a treadmill for hours at a time, but simply walking up and down your flights of stairs can be enough to keep you in shape.
  • The act of climbing stairs is good for your heart health, as it helps strengthen muscles in your legs and tones the muscles in your trunk (the core). It also makes sure that they’re working together properly, which can help improve balance.
  • Along with all this, climbing stairs burns calories! You’ll burn almost twice as many as if you were walking at an average pace over flat ground—which means more bang for your buck when it comes to losing weight or improving overall fitness levels. If you’re looking for an extra challenge (and really want those calorie-burning effects), try running up each flight instead of just walking them like normal people do! That will definitely make things interesting…and maybe even fun!

3. Start your day with a glass of water.

Drinking water is a simple, powerful way to improve your brain health. In fact, one study found that drinking 500 ml (about 17 ounces) of water increased cognitive performance by an average of 10 percent on a memory test.

Water has also been shown to reduce the risk and severity of strokes, which are associated with poor circulation in your brain.

Water also helps you lose weight by suppressing your appetite and making it easier to pass along nutrients from food without absorbing them first (which means less fat). According to some estimates, drinking just two glasses of plain water before meals can help you drop as much as five pounds over the course of six months!

And if all this isn’t enough to convince you that drinking more H2O is good for maintaining healthy habits… well then maybe this will convince you: Studies show that simply taking breaks in between tasks—whether it’s answering emails or doing laundry—can significantly improve productivity because we’re able to take care of important tasks when our brains aren’t distracted by other things like checking social media accounts every five seconds (trust me on this one).

4. Call your mother.

Make a habit of calling your mom every week, or at least once in a while. It’s easy to fall into the habit of only calling her when you need something. That’s not what this is about. Call her up, talk about anything and everything that comes to mind, and don’t hang up until you both have had enough time to share with one another. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it; she wants nothing more than the opportunity to be there for you in any way she can! When talking on the phone with your mother try not to make it about you – ask about her day, how she feels about things going on around her (work? family?), etc..

Being mindful during these conversations will help keep them relevant and meaningful rather than an excuse just so that others don’t think we’re weirdos spending all our time talking on phones instead of doing something else (which might actually be true).

5. Read more books.

Not only does reading help you to be more creative and productive, but it also improves your memory and makes you smarter in other ways. Reading books is one of the best things you can do to improve your everyday habits.

Reading exposes you to new ideas, shows you how other people think about things differently from yourself, and allows for the development of empathy (which is linked with higher academic performance). Furthermore, reading can improve creativity by helping people become more proficient at identifying patterns or using analogies between situations that aren’t necessarily connected. This skill is essential when trying to solve problems within complex environments or find creative solutions when faced with difficult circumstances (as they often are).

6. Sleep more.

The first thing to know is that sleep is important. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t gotten enough sleep, or if you’re feeling tired during the day; it will still affect your brain, negatively.

Sleep is essential for learning and memory consolidation. During sleep, your brain moves new information from areas of temporary storage into more permanent storage regions (like long-term memory).

The more you practice a skill, the stronger connections are made between nerve cells in your brain—so it’s important to get adequate rest each night so those connections can be formed effectively!

A good rule of thumb for adults is to get at least 7 hours of sleep per night.

If you’re having trouble sleeping, there are some ways to help: try taking a hot bath before bedtime; avoiding electronics before bedtime; or meditating before bedtime (but keep it short!).

7. Eat a healthy diet.

Eat a healthy diet. A diet rich in vegetables, fruits and whole grains boosts your brain power. Sugar and processed foods can be particularly harmful to your mind. Studies show that eating too much sugar can lead to inflammation in the brain, which may worsen memory problems such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia.

Foods high in fat are also bad for your brain because they don’t provide many nutrients but do increase your risk of heart disease, according to Harvard Health Publishing.

Another way people boost their intelligence is by avoiding fast food altogether: Harvard researchers have found that those who eat fast food at least twice per week are more likely than others to develop depression later on in life

8. Talk to strangers.

When was the last time you talked to a stranger? When was the last time you had a conversation with someone who wasn’t in your immediate social circle? And when do you find yourself most likely to talk to people? In school, perhaps, or on the subway during rush hour?

There are many benefits of talking to strangers: it can help us learn new things about ourselves and our surroundings. It also fosters empathy and makes us more open-minded as people. We may think we’re comfortable with who we are now, but getting out of our comfort zone is what keeps us from stagnating as individuals.

9. Exercise more often.

Exercise is a good way to boost your mood and also helps your brain function better, as well as providing a host of other benefits such as helping you sleep better and focus better throughout the day. Studies show that people who exercise regularly are less likely to develop Alzheimer’s or dementia compared with those who don’t. And when it comes to longevity, research shows that regular physical activity can improve overall health by reducing the risk of early death by up to 40%.

10. Go for a walk outside, right now.

  • No, not just “go outside” while you’re taking out the trash or walking the dog. I’m talking about getting out of your house or office and going for a nice, long walk in the neighborhood or around town. You’ll get some fresh air and exercise (two things that are good for your brain), vitamin D from the sun (also good for your brain), and maybe even some time alone to clear your head when you need it most.

You are already smart and clever, but if you want to learn more and make life easier, try these tips!

You are already smart and clever, but if you want to learn more and make life easier, try these tips!

  • Be curious about the world around you. Look at people, places, and things with new eyes. This can help you think differently about your life overall.
  • Read books often – especially ones that challenge your ideas or change the way that you think about certain issues. Reading is a great habit to get into because it improves memory and thinking skills while also allowing time to reflect on what’s been read before moving on to something else entirely (or just relaxing!).


The key to being smart is to be in a state of constant learning. The more you learn, the smarter you become. You can also find ways to make your life easier by incorporating some simple habits into your daily routine, like drinking water or going for a walk outside.

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