We are not born knowing how to behave in social situations. We learn from others by watching and imitating them, which means a lot of our behavior is learned. Understanding the psychology behind human behavior can help us better understand ourselves, especially if you want to improve certain aspects of your life or work toward achieving goals. Here are 10 PSYCHOLOGY FACTS ABOUT HUMAN BEHAVIOR

1. AI at its core is learning and psychology is the science of learning

Psychology is the science of learning. AI is the science of psychology

AI (Artificial Intelligence) at its core is learning, and it’s a good place to start when you are studying human behavior. This means that if you want to understand how humans behave, then AI can help you do so. In fact, if we take psychology as a science that studies human behavior then AI can actually be used as a tool for understanding more about human behaviors and how we learn them.

2. In many cases, people typically listen to the tone of voice more than the words

When you speak, your tone of voice conveys a significant amount of information about what you’re feeling. In fact, in many cases, people typically listen to the tone of voice more than the words themselves! This is because we’ve evolved as social animals and are very good at reading each other’s emotions based on cues like facial expressions, body language, and even the tones used while speaking.

So how can someone use their voice to convey emotion? By changing their pitch (high vs low), speed (fast vs slow), volume (loud vs soft), or tonal quality (nasal vs clear). For example:

  • A high-pitched voice with a fast pace would indicate excitement
  • A low-pitched voice with slow speech indicates calmness
  • A loud volume indicates anger or frustration whereas a quiet volume suggests sadness or disappointment

3. The key to success is learning how to motivate yourself

Motivation is a skill that can be learned, and it’s the key to success. It’s different from inspiration in that it’s self-directed rather than an external force. In other words, motivation comes from within yourself rather than being something or someone else. Motivation is a personal journey and as such requires some amount of introspection on your part to find what drives you on an individual basis.

Be proactive about seeking out new experiences: When we experience new things, our brains become more active and learn better how to use them effectively over time (i.e., if you need more motivation). One way of doing this is by getting out into nature—fresh air has been proven to increase brain activity! This can be done through exercise and physical activity as well as simply exploring outdoors with friends and family members who share similar interests (like going fishing).

4. Your perception shapes your reality

The idea that your perception shapes your reality is one of the most important concepts in psychology. It’s often easier to understand this idea by looking at examples of how it can be true. For example You’re walking down the street, and you see someone fall over. You’re going to have a different reaction than if you saw them trip on their shoelace or slip on some mud. Why? Because we tend to believe what we perceive with our senses rather than thinking about alternative interpretations (like maybe they decided to do that on purpose).

You can also look at examples where people have had similar experiences but perceived them in radically different ways. For example, consider two men who were both shot in front of their wives as part of a bank robbery gone wrong—one man went into shock from being shot; his wife told him not to worry about being shot because no harm would come from it; he recovered quickly from being shot after receiving medical attention from paramedics who arrived at the scene shortly afterward…the other man panicked when he was shot and died instantly due to blood loss caused by injuries sustained during a gunfight between him and assailant(s).

5. Human behavior is influenced by culture and socialization

Culture and socialization are two of the most important influences on human behavior. Culture is defined as the set of shared values, beliefs, and behaviors that guide people’s lives. It is learned through socialization, which occurs throughout our lifetimes as we learn from other people’s experiences by observing them, interacting with them and listening to their stories.

Socialization can happen in many ways including:

  • Family members teach us what behavior is acceptable or unacceptable in our society by providing us with examples of good or bad behavior
  • Friends teach us how to behave when they interact with us (e.g., if they laugh at something you say)
  • The media teaches us how to behave by presenting positive role models (e.g., politicians who have high moral standards) or negative ones (e.g., criminals who break the law).

6. We are born with a basic set of emotions, which are universal across cultures

Studies have shown that emotions are universal, meaning they are experienced by all humans, no matter the culture or country. Emotions are hardwired into our brains and we experience them automatically without having to think about them. They play an important role in human behavior as well as being a crucial part of the human experience. Not only do they help us survive, but they also help us develop and grow throughout our lives.

7. Our moods can be contagious

Being around people who are in a bad mood can be contagious. Similarly, the same is true for being around happy people. In fact, your moods can be contagious to others even when you’re not around them: if you watch a sad movie or look at pictures of smiling children on social media, your own happiness level may drop slightly as a result.

The good news is that this also works in reverse—if you spend time with someone who is in a positive mood, it’s likely that you will feel happier too! So if one of your coworkers or classmates seems particularly cheerful today, ask them what they did last night and go do those things yourself. You might end up feeling more upbeat than usual.

8. It’s easy to confuse love with something else like desire or passion

The feeling of love is often confused with other emotions, like desire or passion. However, love is a complex emotion that involves many factors. Love is not just a feeling—it’s also an action and decision to stick with someone through thick and thin. This means that there are times when you may feel the urge to leave your significant other but don’t do it because of your commitment to them.

9. It’s hard for us to see our own personality objectively

We’re not objective about our own personalities. We’re more likely to think of ourselves in positive terms and to see our bad points as the fault of others.

This is called “the bias blind spot,” and it can make us less self-aware, less able to change ourselves for the better, and more likely to rely on false information when making decisions.

The bias blind spot may also help explain why we struggle so much with conflict resolution: if you think your partner is a jerk because they have a low tolerance for waiters who don’t bring their food quickly enough (even though this is totally not true), then what are you going to do? Blame yourself for having such high standards?

10. People often behave differently so as not to upset others, even when they are upset themselves

You may be familiar with the expression “crocodile tears”, which is used to describe tears shed for an insincere reason. It’s no surprise then that many people act differently when they are upset in order to avoid upsetting other people. In other words, their emotions are dictated by social norms and expectations. They want to avoid conflict and rejection, so it’s easier for them to pretend everything is okay than risk making someone else uncomfortable by speaking up about their feelings.

We can learn a lot about human behavior from psychology

Psychology is the science of learning, behavior and mental processes. It is an academic discipline of immense importance to humanity that involves the scientific study of human behavior, which includes but isn’t limited to cognition and emotion. Psychology has practical applications in nearly every field from medicine to education to economics and politics.

Psychology is also known as “the science of mind” because it is a discipline that studies how our minds work (or don’t) by observing and measuring behaviors. This research can then be used to determine what factors influence human behavior so we can change our own or others’ behaviors for the better—for example, in business organizations where motivation training programs are used as part of performance management systems.


I hope that this video has given you some insight into human behavior and how psychology can help us make sense of it. I’ve tried to include some interesting facts about the subject, but there are many more out there! In any case, one thing is clear: psychology can be used to inform our daily lives in many ways.

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