10 rules for success

We all want to be successful, but it’s not easy. To achieve your goals you need to do things that are uncomfortable and difficult. I’ve developed these 10 rules for success that will help guide you on your journey towards success:

1. Be yourself

The most important rule of success is to be yourself.

We’re all unique individuals, and there’s nothing wrong with that. If you act like someone else or try to emulate someone else’s behavior and personality, you’ll just end up feeling like a phony. And when we feel like phonies, our confidence gets shattered—and that can lead to failure down the road!

So be authentic: find out what makes you tick and run with it (that means ignoring naysayers who don’t understand your vision). It’s okay if others don’t get it at first because they’re not part of your tribe yet—but once they get used to seeing your authentic self in action every day, people will come around!

2. Be positive

There is a difference between being positive and being delusional. Positive people have good reasons to be optimistic; they’re not just blindly hoping for the best. They are more likely to succeed because they make better decisions, which then leads them down a path of success.

Positive people also have many other benefits:

  • They have more fulfilling relationships since they are more open and easier to get along with
  • They are healthier than those who dwell on negative thoughts
  • They tend to be happier

3. Be bold

Be bold. Don’t be afraid to take risks, try new things and express yourself.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it. If something is holding you back in life, take some action and figure out how to get past it. Be bold in your actions, even if that means taking chances on something that might not work out the way you planned or hoped for.

Being bold doesn’t mean being brash; it’s about being confident enough in who you are as a person so that when someone challenges or questions your actions or beliefs there isn’t any hesitation about standing up for yourself or what matters most to YOU!

4. Faith over fear

In the face of fear, faith is an antidote. It’s not about avoidance of fear—that’s not faith at all. But when we have faith in God and His plan for us, we can overcome any challenge that comes our way. Faith is a belief that something is true, even though it has yet to be proven as such. Faith is also belief in a higher power, like God or Allah; it’s not just believing you’re going to get a big tax refund this year or that your favorite sports team will win the championship this season—it’s believing in something larger than yourself: the universe itself and its fundamental goodness (or fairness).

Faith gives us hope during tough times because it tells us that things will work out for the best eventually—even if we don’t know how or why yet! This type of thinking helps keep you moving forward when facing adversity

5. Aim high

If you don’t know where to aim, you will never hit the target. In other words, if your goals are too small, there’s a good chance that they won’t be achieved. If your goal is simply to be happy or to survive at the end of each day, then there’s no way that you can measure whether or not these goals have been met. The same applies if your goal is just about making ends meet and having enough money for food and shelter; however small this may seem, it still represents a major milestone in life and should therefore be considered an achievement worth celebrating!

However, if we want something bigger—like being financially independent before reaching retirement age—then set this as our goal will help us stay focused on what needs to be done in order for us to get there quickly and efficiently without wasting valuable time on things which may not necessarily move us closer towards achieving our ultimate objective at all (e.g., watching TV shows).

6. Give back

It’s an oft-repeated phrase, but it carries a lot of weight: Giving back is the best way to reflect on your own life, and it’s also the most rewarding way to show gratitude for all the people who’ve helped you get where you are. Whether this means donating money or volunteering in your local community, giving back is a great way to make sure you never forget how lucky we all are just to be here on this planet together.

7. Find the lesson in every failure

  • Failure is not the end. It’s a learning experience.
  • You can’t learn from success, but you can certainly learn from failure.
  • If you make a mistake, try again and do it differently! See if that works for you this time. If not, try something else until you find something that does work for you and for the situation at hand. Don’t repeat your mistakes; keep trying until you get it right. Look for lessons in every failure and use them to improve your skills so that next time around things go better than they did last time. Successful people know this rule well—if they didn’t succeed immediately on their first attempt (or even on their second or third), they kept trying until they found success by applying themselves diligently to solving whatever problem stood between them and their goal

8. Practice gratitude

You’ve probably heard that feeling good is the best way to feel better. If you’re feeling down, try being grateful and see how it affects your mood. The next time you’re tempted to complain about something, shift focus onto what’s going well in your life instead. No matter how big or small, there’s always something to be grateful for! If a change in perspective doesn’t do anything for you, try writing down everything in your life that makes you happy: a friend who supports you through thick and thin; the smell of freshly baked bread when it fills the kitchen on Sunday morning; having enough money left over after paying rent to treat yourself to dinner at an expensive restaurant (if this sounds like a pipe dream—that’s where gratitude comes into play). Whatever makes me happy: I’m grateful for it all.

9. Have big goals, but start small

One of the best ways to ensure that you reach your goals is to set an ambitious goal, but start with a small step. For example, if you want to be a professional musician, take some piano lessons so that you can get started with the basics. Then, when it comes time for your first big performance, you’ll have already had some practice under your belt!

If at any point along the way towards achieving your goal (or even once it’s been achieved), something makes it clear that achieving this goal isn’t important anymore—or if there’s a better option—then don’t hesitate: adjust the course and pursue that new path instead. If things are going well and everything is on track as planned (or even better), don’t let up on yourself; keep moving in this direction until the very end!

10. Keep at it for the long term.

  • Don’t give up. It’s easy to feel discouraged when you’re trying something new, but it will pay off—you just have to be patient!
  • Ask for help. If you need a hand with something, don’t be afraid to ask others in your field or community for advice or assistance. There are many people who would love the opportunity to help out another human being, so take advantage of this if you can!
  • Try new things. If an idea doesn’t work out as well as you hoped it would, don’t let that discourage you from trying new things in the future; rather than letting failure stop progress altogether (and potentially make everything worse), learn what went wrong last time and keep going forward towards success! This way we can all learn together how best to achieve our goals without having any preconceptions about what might happen along the way–which also leads us back into “Rule Number One.”

Success is not an accident and following these rules can help you achieve it!

Success is not an accident, it’s the result of hard work and dedication. The following rules can help you achieve success:

  • Be willing to learn new things, even if they are hard.
  • Focus on the goals that matter most to you, then work your way up from there.
  • Set a schedule for yourself and stick with it as best you can by breaking down long-term goals into smaller tasks that can be completed in one day or less if necessary. You’ll be amazed at how much progress you can make when each task is successfully completed!

These rules are based on my experiences over many years working for myself full time so I know that they work well!


The key to every successful career is hard work and passion. If you want to be successful, you will have to work for it. But remember that hard work isn’t enough. You need passion as well—and a good deal of luck!

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