10 Things That Separate LEADERS From FOLLOWERS


Leaders are people who know how to inspire others. They’re able to move beyond their own limitations and encourage others to do the same. The best leaders help us see what’s possible in our lives by doing the same for themselves. But how do you become a leader? How can we learn from those who’ve gone before us? Here, we’ll explore ten qualities that make someone a true leader:

1. Leaders are proactive

  • Leaders are proactive, not reactive.

Leaders know that they’re the ones who create their own futures and decide what’s best for them. They don’t sit around waiting for opportunities to come; instead, they seek out new challenges and take action on their own behalf.

  • Leaders are self-starters, not dependent on others’ approval or motivation to get things done.

3 leaders always find a way to make things happen without relying on other people around them—they are self-sufficient and independent in thought and action which is important for any leader position because you don’t want someone who will just follow orders from above without thinking about how it affects everyone else involved in the situation

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2. Leaders see possibilities in the present

A leader sees possibilities in the present. They do not wait for a situation to change before they act, but rather, they take advantage of opportunities as they arise.

Leaders are naturally optimistic and confident people who aren’t afraid of failure or responsibility. They approach challenges with a positive attitude and believe that there is always something you can do to fix a bad situation.

3. Leaders tell the truth

Leaders must be honest with themselves and with others. A leader who is not willing to tell the truth, even if it is not popular, will not earn respect from others. Leaders must also be willing to admit when they are wrong, take responsibility for their actions and mistakes, and accept that sometimes they need help from others in order to succeed.

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4. Leaders don’t fear failure

The most important thing leaders do is take risks. They know that the best way to succeed is to face failure and learn from their mistakes. If you’ve never failed, then you haven’t pushed yourself hard enough or gone far enough outside your comfort zone.

Take a look at the most successful people in history: Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Bill Gates—they all faced tremendous failures along their journey to success. But they used those failures as learning experiences and continued moving forward towards their goals until they achieved them!

The key difference between leaders and followers is that leaders don’t fear failure because they know it’s an essential part of growth and learning for everyone—especially for those who want to become great leaders themselves someday!

5. Leaders fail to prepare, prepare to fail

As a leader, you need to be prepared for anything. You can’t sit back and wait for other people to come up with ideas or take action on behalf of the team. You need to take charge and make things happen.

The best way to do this is by being proactive in your preparation: thinking through possible scenarios and how they might play out; preparing yourself mentally and emotionally; planning out a course of action; gathering all the tools you’ll need beforehand—and having them handy when it’s time to act. If a situation arises that calls for leadership, you’ll already have everything in place so you can respond quickly without hesitation or second-guessing yourself.

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6. Leaders are willing to take risks

When you’re a leader, your willingness to take risks is what separates you from your followers. You don’t fear failure; instead, you welcome it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

  • Leaders aren’t afraid of failure.
  • They’re not afraid to take risks.
  • And they know when it’s time to take those risks—and when it isn’t!

7. Leaders listen more than they talk

Leaders listen more than they talk. They sit down with their employees and ask them how they’re doing, what they need, and how to help them succeed. They take time to understand what the customer wants before making a decision. They ask their partners for advice and feedback on new ways of doing things. Leaders listen to colleagues when they’re struggling or having trouble communicating with others in the company. Even when leaders are at home or on vacation, they make sure that people around them feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and ideas; sometimes this means taking some time out of your busy schedule (or even rescheduling an event) so that you can give someone else your full attention—and it’s worth it!

Nowhere is this more important than in our personal lives: if we aren’t able to listen well enough as friends or family members then there’s no way we’ll be able to lead effectively either at work or outside of it.”

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8. Leaders know how to inspire others

A leader is someone who can get others to do what they don’t want to do, and love doing it. A leader knows how to inspire others; he or she can use words that will make even the most reluctant follower feel like they are part of a winning team. Leaders have learned how to harness the power of group think and create a positive atmosphere within their organization by motivating other people through their own enthusiasm for what they are doing and why they are doing it.

Leaders lead by example; they show those around them that hard work pays off in the long run, and that success doesn’t happen overnight but instead takes time, dedication and commitment on every level of an organization’s structure.”

9. Leaders are not afraid of responsibility

Leaders are not afraid of responsibility. In fact, they embrace it. The responsible leader takes charge and assumes responsibility for the team, even when things go wrong or get hard. Leaders don’t blame others for their mistakes; instead, they take ownership and make amends by doing whatever they can to help clean up the messes they made.

Leaders aren’t afraid to take on new challenges—and learn from them when they fail at them (and let’s face it: we all fail at some point). They don’t wait around for someone else to tell them what to do; instead, they use their initiative to figure out what needs doing and then go ahead and do it!

10. Leaders focus on long-term potential rather than short-term results

Leaders are not afraid of failure, they are afraid of not trying. They are willing to take risks and see the possibilities in the present. This is a sign of confidence and courage that others will be more willing to follow. Successful leaders realize that there is no such thing as an overnight success; it takes time to build something meaningful and worthwhile, and it requires a willingness to do what’s necessary for success, even if it means making tough decisions or changing direction when things don’t go according best plans


Building a team of leaders is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a leader. It will help you to achieve great results, build a legacy and leave your mark on the world. As Mike Tyson once said, “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.” So if you’re looking for an easy way out then just follow others instead of leading them.

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