10 Tips for improving your self-esteem | Confidence

Do you find it hard to be happy with yourself? Are you your own worst critic? Self-esteem is something that all of us have, even if we sometimes don’t quite believe it. If you’re low on self-esteem, don’t worry. There are things you can do to increase it. Here are ten DIY tips for improving your self-esteem and feeling great about yourself.

Work on your confidence.

  • Develop your talents and skills.
  • Take pride in developing the things you are good at, and strive to learn new things that you find interesting.
  • Think positively of yourself, while also acting to improve yourself.
  • Keep in mind that no one ever truly succeeds without failing first, so see every failure as an opportunity to learn something beneficial for future success.
  • When you set goals for yourself, be sure that they are attainable but challenging enough for you to feel satisfied when you achieve them.

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Keep a gratitude journal.

You know when you’re feeling down, and one tiny positive thing happens and it turns your whole day around?

One of the easiest ways to improve your self-esteem is by being thankful for the things that make you happy.

Every night, take some time to write in a journal about one thing that went right that day.

Even if it was just finding a parking spot right away, or someone said something nice to you on your way home from work. Write down what happened and why it made you feel good.

By getting in the habit of focusing on the positive aspects of each day, you’ll train your brain to think more positively overall.

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Don’t be too harsh on yourself.

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Be sure to give yourself credit for your achievements and don’t blame yourself for things that have gone wrong. It’s not helpful to spend time thinking about what you could’ve done better—this is self-defeating.

Similarly, you should never criticize or put yourself down. Every person has strengths and weaknesses, and it’s important to focus on the good rather than the bad.

Don’t be afraid to acknowledge your successes, because this will help build a positive self-image!

Don’t be too self-conscious. You shouldn’t worry about what other people think of you—just do your best! Try not to put others down if they make mistakes either; we all have our own strengths and weaknesses! The more positive you are towards everyone else around you, the more confident in yourself will become over time as well because it’ll show how much respect has been earned by others throughout life

Treat yourself as you would treat others.

Take the time to be kind, caring, and loving towards yourself. Be patient with yourself and give your own self some time to grow.

Talk to yourself kindly, treat yourself like you would treat someone you love. Encourage yourself when you need support and be supportive and kind to others.

As you learn to be compassionate towards others, you will begin to love others without judgment.

By learning how to accept your weaknesses and being forgiving of them, you will have better self-esteem.

Transform negative thoughts into positive ones.

Here are some common negative thoughts and their positive counterparts:

“I’m so stupid” -> “I’m a capable, intelligent person. I have strengths in X, Y, and Z.”

“I always mess things up” -> “Everyone makes mistakes. I can learn from my errors and move forward more wisely next time.”

“Nobody likes me” -> “If there is something about me others don’t like, that can change over time.”

“Life isn’t fair.” -> “Bad things happen to everyone sometimes.”

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Use the body language of self-confidence.

Body language is a non-verbal form of communication that can have a significant effect on the level of self-confidence and the way in which others perceive an individual.

For example, when you walk into a room with your head held high, it demonstrates to other people that you are confident and assertive.

On the other hand, if you walk into a room and fail to make eye contact with others, they may see you as shy, insecure, or unsure of yourself.

Self-confident people are known for using certain body language signals that set them apart from others.

These include making eye contact, smiling and using open body language (for example, standing straight rather than slouching). Some ways in which you can use the body language of self-confidence include:

  • Standing tall. Make sure your shoulders are back, your chin is up and your chest is out. This can help increase oxygen flow to the brain and will make you feel more alert as well as more confident in yourself.
  • Keeping your chin up: A simple way to stay positive about yourself is by keeping your chin up when walking around or doing anything else for that matter! If there’s one thing I’ve learned from being an athlete it’s this: “Keep on keepin’ on.” There are always going to be setbacks but what matters most is how hard we work through those obstacles because if we don’t then there will never be any progress made towards our goal or goals!

Learn to separate the opinions that matter from those that don’t.

This may sound harsh, but you don’t need to care what other people think. While it’s wonderful that your friends, family, and co-workers like you and value your company, it ultimately doesn’t matter.

It’s a sad fact that no matter how much we love them, some people will never like us and there’s nothing we can do about it.

The crucial thing to remember is that if someone dislikes you, as long as they don’t treat you with disrespect or cruelty, their opinion of you is their problem, not yours. Unfortunately, they are unable to see the best in others because they are so focused on their own insecurities and fears.

They are projecting those negative feelings onto other people rather than looking at themselves honestly and working through the issues that are causing them to be upset.

Such people will never change until they want to deal with what is really troubling them.

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It really comes down to being confident that who YOU are is good enough for YOU (and anyone else who matters).

You don’t have to be perfect or better than everyone else in order for people to like you or accept you as a valuable part of their lives – all you need to do is show up consistently as the best version of yourself – real, authentic and compassionate.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

Comparing yourself to others is the fastest way to lose your sense of contentment. There will always be people who are smarter, more attractive, and more successful than we are.

Instead of worrying about how you measure up to others, focus on what makes you unique. No one else is like you!

The time and energy wasted comparing yourself to others is a huge roadblock to self-confidence.

Focus on yourself instead, and don’t fall into the trap of trying to live up to someone else’s standards.

Another aspect of comparing ourselves to others is constantly feeling jealous about their achievements or envying their possessions.

While it’s normal for us to want what other people have, this desire can also make us feel resentful or disappointed in our own lives. If jealousy has become a problem for you, try looking at your situation from another angle: be happy when somebody else accomplishes something good and look at his or her success as inspiration that it could happen for you too!

Define your strengths — and laugh at your weaknesses.

Self-confidence is not thinking that you have no weaknesses, but rather believing in yourself even if you do. For example, I am a terrible singer.

But that doesn’t stop me from singing in the shower, knowing full well my voice sounds like a dying cat. Why? Because singing is something I enjoy doing! I know what my strengths are (writing and graphic design), and where I fall short (singing and burping louder than most men).

These limitations don’t make me feel bad about myself—they just make me more aware of how to best present myself to the world.

I’m also terrible at basketball, but since there’s no way to turn off gravity or increase my vertical leap, there’s little point in focusing on it. Instead of dwelling on what you can’t do, focus on what you can do, and take pleasure in the things that make you unique!

Learn from your mistakes and let go of regrets.

Mistakes are part of learning. Without making mistakes, you’ll never move forward. Accepting them and moving on can be a difficult task though. Before you can do that, you need to first analyze what went wrong and why it happened in the first place so as not to repeat the same mistake.

But then again it is important that you forget about the mistake you made and move on.

Dwelling over your mistakes will only make things worse and will end up negatively impacting your self-esteem.

Move on but don’t forget to take steps to improve yourself so as not to repeat the same mistake again.

You can be confident in yourself even if you’ve spent a lot of time feeling down about yourself

It is important to know that confidence can be learned and developed. Confidence is not a personality trait, it is a skill. As such, it can be improved through practice just like any other skill.

Nobody is “born confident” or “not confident” in their core nature. We all have people in our lives who we consider confident and others who we believe are not as confident.

However, these perceptions are often incorrect as they are based on surface-level behavior rather than an understanding of the deeper psychology behind confidence and how it manifests itself in different ways in different people.

Furthermore, if you have spent a lot of time feeling down about yourself and struggling with low self-esteem then there’s no reason why you can’t turn this around completely.

Confidence is something that you build up over time – not only by improving your state of mind but also with practical skills you learn throughout your life like learning how to cook for example.

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Let’s face it, confidence is that one thing we all strive for. We long to have a high level of self-esteem, and happiness and to live our best possible lives. It never hurts to learn how to improve your self-esteem. I think that the number one piece of advice that I could give you is “Be Humble”. Being humble can do so much for your confidence alone but the fact of the matter is confidence comes from within, who you are and what you’ve done with your life thus far.

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