10 Ways To Boost Your Self-Confidence


If you struggle with self-confidence, it can be hard to know where to start. But if you want to feel better about yourself, these tips can help:

1. Think about the things you like about yourself.

If you’re feeling self-conscious, try to focus on the positive aspects of yourself. Think about the things you like about your appearance: Maybe you love the color of your hair or the shape of your ears. Maybe it’s how tall or short you are. Maybe it’s how much muscle tone you’ve built up in recent months.

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As for personality traits, there are so many things we can appreciate about ourselves that are unique to our personalities. We may feel confident in some areas and less so in others, but if we take a moment to think about them objectively, chances are good that we’ll find something positive worth noticing—even if only one thing at a time!

What are some skills and talents that make us stand out? What makes us special? What makes us uniquely qualified for certain tasks? These are all attributes worth celebrating as well!

2. Listen to positive affirmations.

Positive affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself until they become a part of your psyche. They can be as simple as “I am confident” or “I like my body,” or as complex and specific as:

  • I am confident in my abilities to achieve success in life.
  • I look forward to every new challenge that comes my way, knowing that I will meet it and exceed expectations.
  • My mind is strong and powerful, able to overcome any obstacles thrown its way.

3. Tell yourself you can do it.

The first step to building your confidence is telling yourself that you can do whatever it is that scares or intimidates you. You have to believe in yourself before anyone else will, and the first step is making sure that you’re on board with this mental journey.

So if there’s something in particular that scares or overwhelms you, try saying “I can do this” out loud or thinking it silently for a minute every single day until it becomes a habit of speaking up for yourself and believing in your own abilities.

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It’s not just about telling yourself that something will be easy—it’s also about acknowledging how hard things are going to be so that they don’t sneak up on you later on when they become overwhelming or scary.

4. Avoid negative self-talk.

Negative self-talk is the internal dialogue you have with yourself, and it’s often a sign of low self-confidence.

If you find yourself saying things like “I’m not good enough” or “I’ll never be successful,” those are examples of negative self-talk.

On the other hand, positive self-talk can actually help boost your confidence by giving you more positive thoughts about yourself that lift your mood and make you feel better about your life.

Positive affirmations are one way to do this: instead of telling yourself how bad things are or focusing on what could go wrong, try creating some positive phrases to repeat in your head when things get stressful (like: “it’s okay if I’m not perfect”).

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5. Don’t compare yourself to others.

When you’re feeling low on confidence and in need of a boost, it’s tempting to look at what other people have achieved and feel like you should be doing better.

Don’t. The problem with this approach is that it only makes us feel bad about ourselves and forget the things we’ve already accomplished–and those are some pretty great accomplishments! Instead, focus on your own goals and dreams instead of comparing them with what other people have done. You don’t need to be anyone else; you’re unique, so why would you want to be anyone else?

6. Know your strengths and weaknesses.

It’s important to know your strengths and weaknesses. If you don’t know what they are, how can you improve them? It is crucial that you are honest with yourself when assessing your skills.

You may be surprised by what comes out of this exercise!

For example, some people might say: “I’m really good at math.” This could be true for someone who has lots of experience in algebraic equations or calculus and has done well on tests in the subject matter. Someone else might say: “I’m great at writing.” But if this person has never written a book before and doesn’t know much about proper grammar rules or sentence structure, then perhaps it’s time to consider whether they’re truly as good at writing as they think they are.

We all have things we’re not so great at doing; however, knowing what those things are will help us become better versions of ourselves overall—and that includes being able to handle situations with confidence!

7. Forget the past — focus on living in the present.

It is absolutely vital to let go of the past. If you dwell on the negative things that have happened in your life, it will be extremely difficult to live a happy and fulfilling life.

The key is to focus on living in the present moment, as it is all we have. If you focus on what you can do now to make your life better, then you will be much more likely to reach your goals than if all you think about is what has already happened or yet might happen.

It’s easy to get caught up in worry about the future and how it will affect us—but at some point we must realize that worrying won’t change anything or alter our fate one bit; instead, focusing on living right now can help us achieve happiness without worrying about something that might never happen anyway!

8. Seek help if you’re struggling with low self-confidence.

If you’re struggling with low self-confidence, there are many ways to boost your self-confidence. But if it’s not improving, or if your self-esteem is so low that it’s affecting other areas of your life, seek help from a professional.

Talk to a friend or family member about how you feel and consider seeking professional help.

There are many qualified mental health professionals who can assist you in overcoming feelings of low self-worth, including counselors and therapists who specialize in helping people build their confidence back up. You can also participate in support groups or counseling sessions designed specifically to help people struggling with poor self esteem.

Some people may find therapy helpful for overcoming their own issues with low self-esteem; others may prefer alternative methods such as talking out their problems with friends or participating in support groups where they can talk through things without making themselves vulnerable by being alone with another person (and possibly triggering memories of past experiences).

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9. Try something new.

One of the best ways to boost your self-confidence is by trying something new.

If you are someone who is constantly thinking about doing something but never actually goes through with it, try setting a goal and make it happen.

What could be more rewarding than completing something you’ve been putting off?

You can also challenge yourself in other ways that don’t require physical activity or extra effort like taking on new responsibilities at work or school. You might even consider learning a new skill or hobby!

10. Love yourself just as you are.

There are many ways to build your self-confidence, but one of the most effective is to get to know yourself better.

Here are some questions that you can ask yourself:

  • What am I good at?
  • What makes me different from other people?
  • What do I like about myself?

Knowing your strengths and weaknesses will help you accept yourself for who you are, which will make you happier in life. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when needed!

If you struggle with self-confidence, these are some proven methods to build it up!

If you struggle with self-confidence, these are some proven methods to build it up!

  • Practice makes perfect. If you want to become a better speaker or dancer, the only way to do so is through practice. The same goes for building your self-confidence. You’ll have to work at it if you want to see results.
  • Focus on what’s good about yourself instead of dwelling on your flaws and imperfections. Everyone has flaws—that’s just life—but there are also things we can be proud of ourselves for doing well, and it’s important not let those things slip through our fingers by fixating on negative thoughts or making excuses for why we can’t succeed at something new and exciting in life like… say… learning how to salsa dance?
  • Set goals for yourself and challenge yourself with new tasks that force yourself outside of your comfort zone! It will help break down barriers between where you are now as an individual and where you want to be professionally; plus working towards something gives us purpose which makes us feel empowered!


If you’re struggling with low self-confidence, the tips above can help. But if this is something that has been going on for a long time and you feel like you need professional help, don’t hesitate to reach out to someone who can offer support.

There are numerous therapists out there who specialize in helping people overcome issues like depression and anxiety, so don’t be afraid to take advantage of them!

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