5 Ways Good Public Speaking Skills help a Job Interview

Being able to give a good presentation is one skill all employers are looking for.

It shows that you’re confident, engaging, and able to communicate clearly with an audience.

So if you think public speaking isn’t important, read on to find out about 5 reasons why it can help your next job interview.


Manage communication anxiety.

While it’s true that some people are naturally more extroverted than others, everyone can benefit from the practice of public speaking. For most people, however, public speaking is a source of excessive anxiety.

It affects their confidence and concentration levels as they try to figure out what to say and how they should say it.

Fortunately, there are steps we can take to make the experience less threatening. If you’re like the vast majority of people who have trouble with this subject area, then a good first step is to focus on your breathing techniques rather than getting nervous about what you’ll say or fumbling for an opening line.

Think of your breathing like the rhythm that keeps you centered throughout the speech so that you don’t get caught up in nervousness.

The next time you’re giving a speech, do not imagine that everyone in the room hates you or wishes that there wasn’t an audience at all (although these thoughts will also help keep your blood flowing well).

Instead, picture yourself relaxing in front of an audience full of friends and family who adore you.

As strange as it may seem at first glance, this visualization process actually works—eventually.

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Control your speaking volume and pace.

  • Be mindful of the pace at which you speak. Speaking too fast can make an interviewer feel that you are nervous and/or unprepared. Likewise, speaking too slowly might give the impression that you aren’t confident in your answers. In both cases, they can lead to confusion due to not being able to process what is being said.
  • Control volume as well. Speaking too quietly can be just as aggravating (if not more so) than speaking with a piping voice that reverberates throughout the entire space and feels like it’s scratching at the eardrums of everyone present.

Take time to prepare.

Practice answering common interview questions. Most of the time you’ll be asked about your qualifications and how you describe yourself as a professional.

Below are some examples of questions that fall into these categories:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why are you applying for this position?
  • What sets you apart from other candidates?

Prepare examples of your strengths and weaknesses. It’s important to understand what your strengths and weaknesses are, especially when it comes to the interview process.

Prepare examples of each type so can convey them confidently during the interview if prompted by a hiring manager or recruiter.

Important note: Don’t immediately jump to “I’m terrible at public speaking” as an example of one of your weaknesses—that will take away from all the hard work you put in researching and preparing for this interview!

Use the right words and phrases.

If you’ve ever had a conversation with someone who mumbles, you know how difficult it is to understand them.

When that same person uses clear enunciation and annunciation, the words become crystal clear.

The same applies when you’re interviewing for a job.

If you speak clearly and enunciate each word, your interviewer will be able to hear what you’re saying and focus on the meaning of your words. If your speech is mumbled or slurred, your interviewer will spend all of his time trying to figure out what you’re saying.

This can be distracting and lead to misunderstandings about the points you are trying to make during the interview.

Use the Right Words and Phrases

When it comes to public speaking, the words, and phrases matter. You want to use language that connects with your audience on an emotional level.

These are words and phrases that people can relate to in their daily lives and that convey meaning in a way everyone understands.

For example, instead of using “theoretically” in your sentence, use “practically” or “actually.” Instead of using “significantly,” use “dramatically.” Instead of using “slightly,” use “considerably.” Make sure that each word you choose during your interview conveys

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Communicate confidence and assertiveness.

  • Communicate confidence and assertiveness. When public speaking skills are used effectively in a job interview, candidates communicate their confidence and assertiveness to the employer. Most employers want to hire someone who is self-assured and able to get things done without constant direction from their manager or supervisor. The best way to show that you are confident and able to get things done is by being assertive, but not aggressive. For example:
  • I feel very confident that I can lead this project because I am familiar with all of the stakeholders involved.
  • I would love to take on this assignment because __________ (I have experience delivering a similar project/I’m passionate about this topic/this is something completely new that will force me out of my comfort zone).
  • It would be an honor if you selected me for this position because __________ (I’m so passionate about your company/your company has a great reputation in the industry/I believe my skill set will mesh well with the team).

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When you master the skill of delivering a speech, you are well on your way to mastering the art of a great job interview

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Do you think that knowing how to speak in front of a crowd will help you to be your best and most confident self when talking one-on-one with a potential employer? When interviewing for a job, you have to be able to talk about yourself and your skills.

A presentation can give an employer the information they need without feeling pressured.

It can even make you sound more professional and put the interviewers at ease if they know it’s coming.


Having good public speaking skills in a job interview can be the difference between getting an offer or not.

You’ll really stand out if you are able to discuss technical issues confidently, coherently, and succinctly with an interviewer.

It provides the opportunity to show your enthusiasm and expertise, which is always a great place to start when trying to get a job.

Learn More about Public Speaking Here

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