How leadership impacts organizations : 9 Practical ways

Leadership is the word on everyone’s lips. It’s a buzzword and it can be used in many different contexts. But what does leadership mean? What are the benefits of effective leadership? How can you become a better leader? In this article, we’ll explore some basic definitions of leadership and how they impact organizations.

1. Helping employees learn, grow and develop

The best way to provide employees with opportunities for growth is by helping them learn, grow and develop. This can be done through internal workshops, external training programs or even providing resource materials for your staff. Providing this kind of leadership makes it more likely that your employees will be engaged in their work and produce higher quality work products.

To help develop skills at all levels of the organization, leaders should focus on three key areas:

  • Helping employees learn how to do their jobs: This may mean mentoring an employee who is new to the company or training existing staff members on new processes or procedures
  • Enabling managers to coach and mentor their direct reports: Leaders should encourage managers to take an active role in coaching and mentoring so they can provide feedback on how each person’s performance measures up against expectations

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2. Improving employee morale

In the world of business, there are a few things that are almost guaranteed to improve employee morale: A great company culture, a good work-life balance, and consistent leadership. When your employees feel valued and appreciated for their contributions to the organization and its mission, they’re more likely to be engaged in their work. And when they’re engaged in their work, they’re more productive.

It also works the other way around: Improving employee engagement can help attract new talent by showing potential recruits what it’s like to work at your company. Employees who feel valued are more likely to stay with the organization longer than someone who feels underappreciated or disrespected by management (for example). In fact, Gallup found that nearly half of respondents said they left jobs because they didn’t feel appreciated enough—and this makes sense when you consider that people spend most of their time at work every day!

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3. Facilitating change

One of the most important roles of leadership is to facilitate change in an organization. When implementing a new initiative or strategy, it’s not enough for a leader to simply put all the pieces in motion and then walk away. He or she must also take an active role in facilitating that change by carefully monitoring progress, providing feedback and support where necessary, and making sure that everyone involved understands how they can help achieve success.

Leadership is also essential when directing employees through major strategic shifts—like those that come with industry consolidation or rapid technological advances—that may force them to learn new skills or adopt different roles. Leaders will need to provide clear direction while taking on additional responsibilities as needed so that employees don’t feel overwhelmed or overburdened during times of rapid change (and thus become less productive).

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4. Encouraging creativity and innovation

The most successful leaders recognize that their job is not to tell employees what to do, but rather to guide them in the right direction and help them reach their full potential. This is done by encouraging creativity and innovation.

Leaders should encourage employees to think outside the box, and not be afraid of trying new things. They should also encourage employees to be innovative by coming up with creative solutions for problems or challenges.

Leadership involves being creative in your thinking about how you can use your skills, talents, knowledge and experience in order to achieve goals that benefit all people involved with an organization (including customers). By encouraging creativity on all levels within an organization, leaders will see positive changes such as higher employee satisfaction levels along with increased profits!

5. Inspiring employees to achieve extraordinary results

Leadership is about inspiring others to achieve extraordinary results. Leadership is a powerful force for good, and the most effective leaders are those who are able to inspire others to achieve extraordinary results.

6. Helping employees to be more productive

Leaders can help employees be more productive by facilitating change. They can also help their employees to be more productive by encouraging creativity and innovation. Thirdly, leaders can help employees be more productive by inspiring them to achieve extraordinary results.

8. Creating a culture of trust and belief

Leadership is about creating a culture of trust and belief. It’s all about the relationship between you and your followers, who are entitled to have their own opinions and ideas that may not always be in line with yours.

The leader must trust his or her employees enough to give them ownership over their work—and encourage them to take risks. In return, employees need leaders who will listen to their ideas and respect them as individuals. They also need someone who believes in them when they don’t believe in themselves—or when no one else does.

9.Leadership improves the performance and productiveness of an organization

A leader is a person who influences, motivates and inspires others to achieve extraordinary results. Leadership improves the overall performance and productiveness of an organization by addressing important issues like how to improve employee morale, how to facilitate change, how to encourage creativity and innovation, how to inspire employees to achieve extraordinary results etc.

Leadership is important for organizational success because it helps individuals learn new skills that enable them to grow professionally. It also helps managers maintain consistent standards for performance evaluation so that their employees can easily gauge their current level of performance as compared with that required in order for them to be successful in their jobs (Lencioni & Lencioni 2000).


So, the next time you’re looking to improve your organization’s performance, take a look at how your leaders are affecting the company. Are they inspiring and motivating employees to achieve high-quality results? Then they might be doing a good job! If not, then it may be time for some changes in leadership roles or even new hires altogether.

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