How to Create an Online Course for Beginners

If you’re interested in creating an online course, don’t feel overwhelmed by the idea. With a little planning and research, you can create a great course that will both teach others and make money. Here’s how:

Narrow down your topic.

Now that you’ve decided what your goal is, it’s time to narrow down your topic. At this point in the process, it can be tempting to try and create something for everyone—but don’t worry about what other people’s goals are right now. Your audience will come later; first figure out what’s most important to you and how best to help people reach those goals.

For example: if I wanted to design a fitness course on how women can build muscle definition, I would only choose one approach that would work best for me (and not be afraid of being ambitious). There are so many ways of approaching this issue from a training perspective; some people will prefer workout plans over diet plans or vice versa! But when it comes down to it, there are certain things that will always remain consistent regardless of who’s doing them—such as having great form during certain movements or not overtraining yourself by creating too much stress on your body at once.”

Identify the takeaways for your course.

The first thing you’ll want to do is identify the takeaways for your course. What will the student learn, and what is the overall goal of your course?

You want to make sure that you’re able to cover everything in an organized way without confusing or overwhelming students. To ensure this, you need to know what exactly they should be learning in each lesson and how different lessons relate to each other.

Determine the best way to deliver your content.

Once you’ve decided what to teach, it’s time to figure out how you’ll deliver the content. There are many ways to do this; here are just a few:

  • Video. This is one of the most popular ways of delivering content because it allows your audience to see and hear what you’re saying at the same time. It also helps them connect with each other through comments on YouTube or similar platforms, which can lead to further learning opportunities.
  • Audio only (podcasts). Podcasts can be recorded in person or remotely on Skype while still being engaging and informative for learners who are either doing something else or listening on their commute home from work/school/etc.
  • Text-based articles (articles). If writing isn’t your thing or if there isn’t enough time for research before publishing an article about a topic, then consider going ahead with just text!

Make your course stand out from the competition.

  • Make sure your course is unique.
  • Make sure it’s affordable.
  • Make sure it’s accessible to your audience.
  • Make sure the content is useful and helpful for beginners looking to learn about a specific topic, such as how to create an online course from scratch or how to use GIMP in Photoshop.

Lay out your course structure.

Lay out your course structure. Think about which topics you want to cover and how many sections you’ll need to make sure each topic has enough depth. You might want to do this first or after your research phase depending on how far along in the process you are.

Create content for your course.

  • First, you need to make sure that you have the right tools for creating content for your course. This can include:
  • A computer with a strong internet connection
  • A video camera or webcam (or even your smartphone) if you want to record yourself speaking
  • Images, graphics and other materials from which you can create slides/visuals for your videos (or screenshots of websites or applications)
  • Be careful not to be afraid of using visuals in your course! Your audience will appreciate it if they see something interesting on their screen while listening to what you have to say. This is especially important if they’re taking the time out of their busy lives just so that they can learn more about what’s being discussed at any given moment in time—and why wouldn’t we want our audience members staying engaged? The best way around this is by having some sort of template available so that people aren’t left confused as they try and figure out how exactly all these components go together – whether it’s through pictures or diagrams – then having them feel like there isn’t enough information provided before eventually losing interest altogether.”

Promote your online course.

  • Social media is a great way to promote your online course. You can create social media ads and use them to target people who are interested in your online courses.
  • Email marketing is another excellent way to promote your online course. You can use email marketing software such as MailChimp or Aweber, or you can get help from an expert who will do this for you at a cost.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO) is another effective way of promoting your online courses. If people are searching for something related to what you teach in your course, then it’s likely they will find it if they search on Google or Bing!
  • Paid advertising is another way of promoting an online course when done right; however, it needs careful planning so that the money spent on paid ads doesn’t go wasted!

Here are some steps you can follow to build an online course that teaches what you know, makes money and delivers value.

We all have something to teach, and we can all make money doing it. But how do you build an online course that teaches what you know, makes money and delivers value?

Here are some steps you can follow to build an online course that teaches what you know, makes money and delivers value:

  • Define your goal. What do you want this online course to achieve? It’s important to be clear about your goals before starting so that you can evaluate how well they’re being met later on in the process. Your goal could be anything from “I want my first $1k”, “I want monthly income of $1000” or “I want recurring income from this course.”


There are a lot of options out there when it comes to teaching and learning online, but don’t be overwhelmed. Take your time to plan out what kind of course you want to create and have fun with it!

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