How to Get 100,000 Subscribers On YouTube

Have you wondered how to get 100,000 subscribers on YouTube? You’re not alone. If I had a nickel for every time I was asked this question through the years, I’d be rich. However, answering this question is simple if you know how — and that’s what this article is designed to answer.

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Have a niche

You need to niche down and specialize in a certain topic.

For example, you could be the #1 channel for skateboarding tricks. But having a channel about “sports” is too broad of a topic because that encompasses hundreds of different sports. It would be impossible to compete with all the other channels out there that are already covering those sports in depth.

So instead, you should find ONE sport or interest that you can cover well and make it your own. Take this channel called “The Hockey Directive” for example: they brand themselves as the #1 NHL trick shot channel on YouTube and have over 100K subscribers!


You need to be consistent with your uploads.

If you don’t upload for several weeks or months and then come back, your subscribers will have forgotten about you and moved on. If you want people to watch your videos, you have to be uploading videos consistently! Ideally, I recommend uploading every day; however, if that’s not possible then at least try to upload once a week.

This way it can stay fresh in the viewers’ minds and they will know when they can expect a new video from you.

Upload at least once per day

Get strategic about publishing frequency. You don’t need to upload a video every single day, and you shouldn’t (at least not in the beginning). If you’re just starting out, you might want to stick with uploading one or two videos a week until your account has grown enough that the extra effort is worth the time commitment.

It’s better to deliver high-quality videos less frequently than publish subpar content multiple times a week. If you begin by uploading once per day, it will be hard to keep up with this pace long-term without sacrificing quality. Instead, start at one or two videos a week and work your way up as your channel gains traction.

Invest in good equipment

High production value is important. You’ll want to invest in some decent equipment before you get started. Good lighting, a camera, and a microphone are all essential in creating videos that look and sound great.

Don’t worry—you don’t have to break the bank to have great video quality! When we first started out, we recorded our video tutorials with our iPhones and used inexpensive ring lights for lighting, but over time we’ve invested in professional-grade equipment like cameras, microphones, and studio lighting.

As your channel grows, you’ll want to start investing more in your equipment. But if you’re just getting started on a tight budget, recording on your phone is totally fine!

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Add YouTube tags to your videos

Your video tags are another major factor in your YouTube search ranking and get you more views from people searching for videos like yours. This is a big one, because the majority of your viewership will be coming from finding your videos through searches.

You need to add relevant tags to help YouTube know what the hell it is you’re uploading. You don’t want to spam your video with keywords that have nothing to do with it – this is called “keyword stuffing.” You’ll be penalized for it, and it’s not going to help you one bit. There’s no exact science or strategy when it comes to tags; use a mix of common sense, SEO knowledge, and research tools like TubeBuddy or Keyword to find the best long-tail keywords (and remember: long-tail keywords are often more profitable than short ones). For example, if you were uploading a video about how to make money on YouTube as a gamer, an appropriate tag would be something like “how to earn money on YouTube.” A tag like that isn’t super original or creative, but it gets the job done — and if the video ranks higher as a result of that tag when someone searches “how to earn money on YouTube”, I’m not going to complain!

Use a keyword research tool like TubeBuddy

Now that you have an idea of the types of videos that YouTube is looking for, it’s time to start thinking about how to get your videos found. This is where keyword research comes in and a great tool for researching keywords is TubeBuddy.

TubeBuddy allows you to research the best titles, tags and descriptions for your videos. It does this by showing you data on the most popular titles and tags for certain keywords. You can also see the hours of watch time a specific keyword has driven over the previous months.

Using this information, you can then optimize your title, tags and description to rank better in search results. A simple way to do this is by making sure some of TubeBuddy’s top ranking words are in your title, tags and description.

Optimize the description of your video

Optimizing your video description is one of the simplest ways to boost your ranking on YouTube.

Why? Because Google also uses descriptions to determine what your video is about, and as a result, potentially ranks your video higher in search results.

So how do you optimize your YouTube descriptions? Here are some tips:

  • Describe what the video is about – The first few sentences of a description should tell the viewer what’s in store for them when they click on the play button. Be concise and use keywords and phrases that describe your video or brand identity. Include any relevant links in those first few sentences so that viewers can easily find them! Also consider adding closed-captioning for increased accessibility to deaf audiences (more on this later). This simple change can make all the difference between someone watching or not watching your videos at all!

Make sure to use subtitles and closed captions

Setting up closed captions or subtitles on YouTube is a simple way to reach more people with your video content. It makes your videos accessible to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or watching in a noisy environment. YouTube will automatically caption your videos after you upload them if it has enough information about the words you’re speaking. If you have time, however, I always recommend adding captions yourself because they tend to be more accurate than the automatic ones.

Having good closed captions and subtitles is an important part of creating inclusive content on YouTube. It ensures that viewers who may not be able to hear can still understand and enjoy your video content. You’re missing out on potential subscribers if you don’t make sure that everyone can access and enjoy your videos!

Customize your thumbnails

A simple and clear thumbnail that catches attention is the best. You can use a tool like Canva to create a basic image with your logo, brand colors, and an eye-catching headline. Make sure you are consistent in your style across all of your videos so that people recognize it as part of your channel.

You also want to consider adding a call-to-action to encourage people to click through. For example, “Watch Now” or “Subscribe” or even saying the title of your video in text can help viewers know what they are getting when they click on the video. Tubebuddy can also help in that

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Grow your audience by following these tips.

To be successful, you need to create a channel that’s specific to your interests. You’ll want to build an audience by generating enough interest in the content you post to keep it trending on YouTube.

But you can’t just think of your channel as one big feed of videos, because there are other ways that people see your videos besides simply clicking through them. You have the option of adding keywords and tags (called tagging) so that when other people search for specific topics within your sub-genre, they find your channel even if they don’t click through directly to it.

You also want to upload new videos every few days or so. The longer a video sits on YouTube without being viewed or clicked upon, the less likely it will be found by anyone who is searching for it. If a person does come across an old video and clicks on it, however, their likelihood of watching the whole thing and liking what they see goes up dramatically.

Finally, invest in good equipment: camera phones won’t cut it—you need something capable of recording high-quality audio and video clips at all times; ideally one with a microphone built into it so you can talk into it while shooting a video clip as well as use all kinds of special effects and filters; plus some kind of editing software (iMovie or iMovie HD are both great choices) for creating easy-to-share videos such as GIFs out of clips or just trimming down unwanted parts from long-winded talks that don’t really add anything useful or entertaining while still retaining the audio quality; plus extra batteries and memory cards if possible


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