How To Make Money With Public Speaking

There are many different ways to make money with public speaking, writing and other forms of content creation.

Public speaking is one of the best ways to make money. There are many different ways to make money with public speaking, writing, and other forms of content creation. The key is finding a gig that fits your personality, schedule, and budget.

It’s important to note that not all gigs are right for everyone. Some speakers will have more success than others with certain types of talking points or venues, so it’s important to be flexible and try new things as you go along.

This article will give you an overview on how to make money with public speaking and writing whether you’re just starting out or have been at it for years!

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Find a gig that fits your personality, schedule, and budget.

The first step in finding a gig that fits your personality, schedule, and budget is determining what kind of speaking experience you have. Where do you want to be speaking and who do you want to be speaking to? What kind of speaking are you interested in? It is important that your speaker’s bureau knows this information so they can match you up with the best gigs.

It is also important for the speaker’s bureau to know how much time you want to spend working and how much money you want to be making. If your goal is a full-time living doing public speaking it may take some time for the speaker’s bureau to get enough gigs for you on their list. That’s why it’s important for them to know ahead of time what your schedule looks like so they can fully understand when and where they can book gigs for you.

Here are seven ways to get paid for your speaking skills:

  • Become a keynote speaker
  • Work as a coach or consultant
  • Host training or workshops
  • Teach online courses
  • Write a book
  • Start a podcast or YouTube channel
  • Give paid interviews

Become a Keynote speaker.

To become a keynote speaker, you need to be an expert in your field and have something valuable to say. You should have remarkable experience, proven results, and the ability to communicate that expertise in a compelling way. You may not become a keynote speaker right away (or ever).

If this is still something you want to do, the first step is being honest with yourself about your speaking abilities. Do people enjoy listening to you? Have people asked you to speak at things before? If so, then it’s time for more practice. Once you know what it takes, get comfortable speaking in front of groups of people and start pitching yourself to organizations as an after-dinner or lunchtime speaker.

Keynotes are usually reserved for speakers who have spoken before and have established some sort of reputation as great public speakers. The best part about becoming a keynote speaker is that it can pay much better than other types of speaking gigs because:

  • Keynote speakers are often paid per engagement (as opposed to hourly), since organizers will pay more for their event if they can convince someone big name and well known to be the opening or closing act (if the event has multiple speakers).
  • It’s easier for organizers to get funding when they make arguments centered around “quality” because it sounds better than “We’re spending money on this person we think will add value because they are an expert but we don’t know how good they are as speakers until we see them speak…hopefully!”

Enroll in The Public Speaking Masterclass for beginners

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Work as a coach or consultant.

If you want to make money as a coach or consultant, you’ll need to decide on the niche you want to focus on, and then get creative about finding clients. To find your niche, think about what you’re passionate about, and ask yourself how you can help others with it and how much time it will take to help someone.

For example, if fitness is a passion of yours, you could be a cardio specialist or a strength trainer or specialize in yoga or Pilates. If nutrition is your thing, become an expert in that. You could also be an overall health coach who takes into account all things related to health like exercise, food choices, sleep habits and more. Your niche might even be something totally unrelated to fitness like helping people declutter their homes.

Once you know what kind of coaching business you want to start, there are many ways to find clients. Attend networking events locally where potential clients may attend.

Host training or workshops.

Training is a speech that teaches a specific skill. A workshop is more hands-on and involves attendees performing activities that are related to your speech.

Hosting a training or a workshop are great ways to make money with public speaking because they’re easy to monetize and you can offer them in multiple ways, including:

  • In-person (in front of an audience)
  • Live online
  • Recorded online

Teach online courses.

There are many ways to get paid to teach online courses. You can create your own courses and sell them through your website or platform, or you can work with an existing platform like Udemy. Udemy is a great place to start because it’s easy to set up and the quality of the content is high. The course creation process has several steps, but they’re organized well; creating a good course shouldn’t take long at all.

Write a book and Make Money With Public Speaking

This process will help you tighten your writing and reveal any weak spots in your book. Even if you’re only looking to write a book as a hobby, working with an editor is a great idea. They can also help you market and promote your book, which will open up many new opportunities for paid speaking gigs.

To make the most money with public speaking, it’s important to tell the audience what they want to hear. Here’s how:

  • Write about what you know. People are always looking for advice from experts on topics that interest them or affect their lives. You don’t have to be the world’s foremost authority on something—you just have to be an expert compared to most people in the audience

Learn More from Ibrahim Mustapha the Number one Public Speaking Coach

Start a podcast or YouTube channel and learn to Make Money With Public Speaking

You can also start making money by speaking through the creation of a podcast or YouTube channel. The rise of online video and streaming platforms makes it easy to get in front of your target audience and create content that resonates with them.

Choose the platform that makes the most sense for your content. YouTube, for instance, is a great place to show off your visual presentation skills. Or you could engage with listeners directly on a podcast for an intimate experience. Experiment with different mediums until you find one that jives with your personality and style—and most importantly, get in front of the right audience.

Build up a following and then monetize that following by selling ads or sponsorships against those channels. You can also sell products or services relating to what you talk about on your channel, speaking engages people in a way that’s conducive to selling things as well! You can promote these channels using social media as well as traditional marketing methods like word-of-mouth and email marketing campaigns.

Turn your passion into a career if you take the time to find the right opportunity for yourself and put yourself out there.

You can turn your passion into a career if you take the time to find the right opportunity for you and put yourself out there. The first step is to make sure that you are passionate about the topic, which will help motivate you when it comes time to practice. Then, take some time to figure out what type of public speaking opportunities will be best for your skills and experience. Once you have an idea of this, be proactive in getting yourself noticed by potential employers.

Finally, remember that if something isn’t working for you, trying a few different things until you find an opportunity that works well can also

Learn More from Ibrahim Mustapha the Number one Public Speaking Coach


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