How To Write a Blog Post (Even If You’re Not A Writer)


Blogging is a great way to build your reputation as an expert, grow your audience and generate leads. But writing a blog post that’s actually helpful—and not just another generic listicle—can be challenging. To help you write better content, here are ten tips that will transform your posts into valuable resources for readers:

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1. Start with a headline

It’s tempting to skip the headline, but it’s one of the most important parts of your post. A good headline will make people want to read your blog post. And if they don’t like what they find in the body of your post, they may never come back! So take some time before you start writing to think about how you can craft a compelling and intriguing headline that will entice readers without giving away too much. Here are some tips:

  • Keep it short and snappy – If people aren’t interested enough in your title to read it all, then chances are that they won’t bother reading anything else either! Try to keep things short (less than 70 characters) so that there’s no chance anyone could miss out on key information like “How To” or “Best Ways”. Be careful not to give away too much though – remember: people will only click through if there’s something interesting on offer here!
  • Make sure it relates specifically with what you’re going talk about – A good rule of thumb is for every article written should have one sentence at its beginning which summarizes the main point being made within its entirety; this helps readers decide whether or not they want spend their valuable time reading something that may end up being boring/tedious/unhelpful/etcetera).

2. Decide what you’re going to cover in your post

  • Decide what you’re going to cover in your post. Your blog-post topics should be relevant, engaging and well-researched. If you’re not sure where to start, there are a few common types of blog posts that bloggers often publish:
  • In-depth guides (examples include: “How To Make Bread” and “The Ultimate Guide To Coding”)
  • List posts (examples include: “12 Ways To Save Money On Groceries” and “10 Amazing Things You Didn’t Know About Coffee”)
  • Reviews of products or books (examples include: “My Favorite Book Of The Year” or “This Is The Best Carrera Sunglasses I’ve Ever Owned”)
  • How-to posts (this is an example of a how-to post)

You can also choose to write about something else entirely! Do some research on what topics other people have covered on their blogs and try to come up with something unique enough so that you stand out from the rest of the crowd.

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3. Do your research

Before you jump into writing your blog post, it’s important to research the topic. After all, why would anyone want to read your blog if they already knew everything there was to know about it?

So how do you make sure that your post is unique and interesting? First, conduct some preliminary research on the topic. Use Google or another search engine to find articles that have been written about the subject matter at hand. Look for other people’s opinions on this topic (good or bad). And be sure to also use a keyword planner like SEMrush — this will help you determine which keywords are most relevant for what you’re trying to say in your post!

4. Create an outline

Next, you’ll want to create an outline of your post. It should be a list of all the main points and sub-points that you want to cover in your post, with each point having its own sub-points if applicable. For example:

  • Topic Title: How To Write A Blog Post
  • Main Point 1: Why You Should Write A Blog Post
  • Sub Point 1a: It Can Help You Stand Out In The Crowd
  • Sub Point 1b: It Can Help You Attract Clients/Customers
  • Main Point 2: Where To Start Writing Your Blog Post (I recommend starting with this step)

5. Write your introduction

The introduction is the first line of your blog post. It’s important to keep it short and to the point, but also convey what you’re trying to say in a way that will grab your reader’s attention.

So how do you write an effective introduction? Here are some tips:

  • Be direct
  • Be specific
  • Use a hook or anecdote

6. Put yourself in the user’s shoes

Now that you’ve written a rough draft of your blog post, it’s time to get in the user’s shoes.

To do this, try putting yourself in their situation. How would they feel? What would they want to know or learn? Most importantly, how are they likely to say something if they were telling someone else about their problem (or explaining it)?

By putting yourself in the user’s situation and thinking like them, you’ll have a much better idea of what information is most important for them.

7. Write the first draft of your post

Now that you have a solid idea, it’s time to start writing. Here are some tips:

  • Write from your heart. Write what you know and feel passionate about. If you don’t care about the topic, neither will your readers!
  • Write what you want to say. Don’t try to stick with an outline or script; just write down whatever comes into your head at the moment. You can always go back later and edit it all into something more coherent (and hopefully more interesting).
  • Be yourself—but also be professional if that’s who you want people think of as “you.” Think of how someone else would speak this same way, then write as if they were speaking directly to an audience of their own friends and family members—someone who might not understand any jargon used in business contexts outside the home office environment where everyone knows each other inside out already anyway because they’ve been working together since childhood…

8. Add images

Images are an essential part of any blog post. They make your content easier to read and more interesting, so you should always include them in your posts.

You can use images to illustrate a point or break up text (like I’m doing now). You can also add images by uploading them to WordPress or adding a link to an image on the web.

But did you know that there are a few different types of images that can be used on blogs? Here’s an overview of the three main types:

9. Edit and proofread your post

Editing is the final step of the process and it’s one that you want to do before you hit publish. Once your blog post is ready to go, read through it again and make sure there are no typos or spelling errors. You can use a spellchecker on Microsoft Word or Google Docs, but for even more accuracy, have someone else read your article aloud (or record yourself reading it) and listen for any mistakes they might catch. If you’re more comfortable with digital tools, there are grammar checkers available online as well as readability checks that will tell you how hard it would be for an average person to understand what you’ve written based on their grade level education.

If this sounds like a lot of work—and I’m guessing some of it does—let me remind you: The return on investment will far exceed its costs if you have good content that people want to share with their friends! It’s worth taking the time now so that later things go smoothly.

10. Set up your WordPress post for SEO success

  • Title tags are the most important part of your SEO.
  • You need to include your keywords in the tag.
  • Put some thought into it: What would someone type in Google or Bing to find my blog post?
  • Use subheadings, but don’t go overboard; they’re helpful for readers and search engines alike, but too many will make your blog look unprofessional and hard to read.
  • Paragraphs are good for humans; search engine bots prefer short paragraphs with little space between them (this makes it easier for them to identify the different sections of text).
  • Make sure there’s enough visual interest on each page so that people want to stay on the page instead of clicking away right away – this means using images in addition to text!

Blog posts should be entertaining and educational and offer solutions to problems people might be having

A blog post should be entertaining and educational, so you should write in a way that makes it easy to follow along. It’s also important to offer solutions to the problems people might be having—that is why they are reading your blog in the first place!

The goal is for readers to understand what you are writing about without having to strain their brains too much. You want them coming back again and again because they found it easy to read and easy to understand.

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Writing a blog post is not just about writing. It’s also about knowing your audience, understanding what they want to read and how they use content in their daily lives. The most important thing is to keep your readers engaged throughout the entire post so that they will want more when they finish it!

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