Public Speaking Secrets – How To Give A Presentation That Inspires A Standing Ovation

Public speaking is an art that takes a lot of practice. When most people get up on stage and start talking, they usually get bored after a while. This is because they treat their presentations as lectures. Now, you could become a better speaker by simply learning the concepts behind public speaking, but then you won’t be able to develop your natural talents. That’s why learning how to fix common mistakes is key in making you a more dynamic and engaging speaker who never fails to leave an audience in awe every time.

Here are five Public Speaking Secrets that you can use to Give A Presentation That Inspires A Standing Ovation

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STEP 1: Put Passion Into Your Presentation

Perhaps the most important way to inspire an audience is to be enthusiastic and passionate about your topic.

If you are bored by your presentation, chances are that your audience will be equally uninterested. Think of it this way – if you don’t care about what you’re saying then why should your audience?

STEP 2: Create A Special Gift For Your Audience

Before you get started on your talk, create something that’s valuable to the people who will be listening to you speak. This could be a worksheet, checklist or other resources that helps them take action on something they want to achieve in their lives or businesses.

How to make money from Public Speaking

STEP 3: Make It Memorable

Your presentations should be memorable. Here are 10 ways to make them so:

  • Tell stories – we love hearing stories
  • Use props – they add an element of surprise and fun to your presentation.
  • Be passionate about the topic you’re presenting on. If you’re not, why are you giving this talk?
  • Use metaphors to create a picture in their minds of what you’re trying to say
  • Make your presentation interactive by asking questions and doing activities with the audience to engage them.
  • Use quotes from people who are smart or famous like Albert Einstein, Oprah Winfrey, Martin Luther King Jr., etc.
  • Use humor – we all love laughing but make sure it’s tasteful and relevant! (There’s no pressure here!)
  • Have a call-to-action at the end of your presentation to encourage people to do something with what they’ve learned. It could be something like “Go out and do one thing differently today because of what I’ve shared.” Or “Head over to my website where I have more resources that will help you succeed in [whatever topic].” Or “Reach out with any questions that come up for you as you take action on what I’ve shared.” Or anything else that works for your presentation!

If possible, use real-life examples from people who have achieved success in whatever topic area you’re talking about if it’s relevant for your audience

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STEP 4: Make a Difference With Every Presentation

Be passionate about what you are talking about

Be authentic and real

Be yourself and allow your personality to come through

Be interested in your audience

Be relevant to your audience. Appeal to their emotions, their intellect, or both. Speak directly to them by using words such as “you” and “your.” Avoid speaking about yourself too much; most people prefer to hear about others rather than themselves.

Be the best you can be and do not settle for anything less! Practice, practice, practice!

Step 5. Make sure you have a clear call-to-action.

In developing a CTA, your goal is to give your audience a clear directive that’s in line with their desires. Your CTA should be both memorable and specific. Perhaps you want to be like an Apple keynote speech and invite people to join the corporate community; maybe you want them to download an app or eBook as they leave the room. Whatever you choose, make sure it’s clear what you want them to do so they don’t forget.

Why include a call-to-action when presenting? Because it will help you connect with your audience, get them excited about what they just heard, and ensure that they remember exactly what they should do next. with a clear to call action these Public Speaking Secrets on How To Give A Presentation That Inspires A Standing Ovation will help you male an impact

When you present from the heart and make it about your audience, your presentations will be remembered for years to come.

We’ve covered the first four rules of public speaking: keep it short, speak from the heart, use simple language and use personal stories.

Now let’s talk about what to do after you follow those rules and give a presentation that’s so good people want to buy your product or service on the spot. That’s right, I’m talking about your call-to-action. You can’t just stop talking and walk off the stage without telling your audience what to do next. Your call-to-action is not only an opportunity for them to give you their money—it’s also an opportunity for them to be part of something bigger than themselves. Share with them how buying your product will make a positive impact in their lives, or how signing up for your service will help make this world a better place.


In other words, if you want to become an excellent public speaker, who inspires and motivates others with your words, then you will have to understand what makes people tick. And yes, emotions are the most important factor in inspiring others to act. All the nitty-gritty details of presenting (tone, gestures, timing) can be taught by experts. It’s the emotions that are innate in us humans that truly make all the difference between a success and a failure as a public speaker. This is why training should begin at home—this is where one integrates these crucial life skills into his being.



  1. You actually make it seem so easy with your presentation but I find this matter to be really something which I think I would never understand. It seems too complicated and very broad for me. I’m looking forward for your next post, I’ll try to get the hang of it!

  2. I have not checked in here for some time because I thought it was getting boring, but the last few posts are good quality so I guess I’ll add you back to my everyday bloglist. You deserve it my friend 🙂

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