VidIQ Review and Discount Codes

VidIQ is a tool that helps you to analyze and optimize your YouTube videos.

It can be used on both desktop and mobile devices, and it’s free to use.

As a web analytics tool, VidIQ gives you information about the number of views your videos get and how they’re performing in relation to other similar videos on YouTube.

This information can help you improve your channel overall and increase the amount of traffic you receive from your videos.

VidIQ review: what does it do?

VidIQ is a tool that helps you get more views, subscribers and engagement on YouTube.

It can be used to monitor your competition, identify what your audience wants to see and optimize your videos.

For example, with VidIQ you can:

  • Identify the best keywords for your videos
  • See how many people have watched each video in the last 28 days (this is called “views”)
  • Get an estimate of how many new visitors will click through from one of your videos in the next 7 days (this is called “impressions”)

Main features of VidIQ

VidIQ is a helpful tool for YouTube creators. It provides many features that will help you with all aspects of your video, from choosing the best keywords to selecting tags and thumbnails.

VidIQ can do all this by collecting data from multiple sources including Google Trends, Facebook Graph Search, YouTube search results and more.

How to use VidIQ, the version for Chrome and Firefox

Download VidIQ and install it. Open VidIQ and create a free account.

Upload a video to VidIQ by clicking the “Upload” button in the top right corner of the page, then choosing which file you would like to upload from your computer. Select a video for analysis by clicking on its thumbnail or title. Once selected, click on “Analyze” near the upper-right hand corner of your screen (it looks like two overlapping circles).

This will bring up an analytics dashboard for that specific video with several different metrics including total views and likes/dislikes per minute; these metrics can be accessed later with just one click on the icon next to any given metric name at any time!


The ViDIQ promo codes include 100%, 50% and 35% Off, Take note these promo codes are valid at the time of publishing this article. Below are some of the Promo Codes

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Final thoughts on using VidIQ

VidIQ is a powerful tool for YouTube creators, as it can help determine what is working and what isn’t in terms of video content. If you are looking to grow your channel, VidIQ can help you get there by analyzing your videos and determining how to improve them.

With VidIQ, you can also get more views on your videos by using the insights provided by VidIQ’s technology and applying them to future projects.

VidIQ is a great tool for YouTube creators who want insight into their content from an unbiased third party rather than their own opinions or those of viewers on social media sites like Twitter or Reddit.

If you want to get more views on your YouTube videos, this is the best tool available.

VidIQ is the best tool for getting more views on YouTube. It’s easy to use and has a great user interface, plus it’s free to use. They do have premium features, but you can also get by with just the free version if you want.


VidIQ is an amazing tool for anyone who wants to get more views on their YouTube videos. It makes it easy to analyze your videos and figure out what’s working and what isn’t, so you can make them even better.

The main features are Content Insights and Video Insights, which give you access to data like audience demographics or engagement frequency of each video segment (e.g. intro vs body vs ending). As far as pricing goes, if your channel has less than 1 million views per month then there’s no charge at all; otherwise, there are two tiers available depending on how many subscribers (and therefore revenue) they expect from each user annually.”

How To Get VidiQ Pro for Free 2022

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