Ways To Monetize A Blog And Make Money Blogging

Over the last few years, there’s been a lot more focus on monetizing blogs and I’m sure you’ve heard people blogging about how they make money blogging. There are definitely a lot of ways to make money on your blog; there are over a dozen ways that I know of, from affiliate sales to selling your own products…etc. But the real question is – which way works best? This post will narrow down the range of different money-making methods for you, so you can get started on making some serious money!

Affiliate Marketing

As you begin to grow your blog and become popular, you will want to make money off of it. (I like to think of this as having a positive side effect of getting paid for doing something I love!) One way to do this is through affiliate marketing. It’s one of the best ways to make money blogging, and I’ve seen some bloggers do extremely well with it.

Affiliate marketing is when a company pays you a commission for sharing its products on your blog or social media accounts.

The company usually has an “affiliate program” that you can sign up for directly, although sometimes it requires contacting them directly for approval. Once approved, you can then advertise their products on your blog or social media accounts and earn a commission every time someone buys through your link.

For example, if I have an Amazon Associates account and my readers click on my affiliate link from my site or Instagram profile before buying anything from Amazon (even if they buy something different than what I initially advertised!), then I receive a percentage of the sale as a commission.

Another great way to monetize your blog using affiliate marketing is by writing reviews of other people’s products—just be sure to disclose that you’re affiliated with them in some way!

Services And Product Reviews

If you’re a blogger, chances are that one of the things you want most is to make money. But how do you monetize a blog so that it makes money?

I’m guessing there are a few reasons why you’d like your blog to be profitable. Maybe you have some bills or debt you’d like to get rid of. Maybe you’re trying to find ways to save up for something like a vacation or a new car.

Maybe your current job doesn’t pay enough and blogging sounds like an exciting way to earn more while doing something you love.

Whatever your reason for wanting to monetize your blog, there are many ways bloggers can make money from their websites and blogs.

We’ve gathered the most effective ways for making money through blogging on this page so if this is what brought you here, we think you’ll be glad to find them all in one place!

Ad Revenue

You could host ads on your website and get paid each time a visitor clicks on them. However, this is a numbers game that requires a significant amount of traffic in order to generate enough income to make it worthwhile.

That said, if you’re interested in implementing ads, Google Adsense is the easiest way to get started. It’s free and easy to set up. You’ll only get paid when visitors click on the ads, which means you need a lot of traffic for this strategy to be lucrative for you.

For example, if you’re getting 100k visitors per month and each visitor clicks on one ad at $1 each, then you can earn $100k each month from hosting ads alone.

LEARN More About Public Speaking and Affiliate marketing Here


Are you into event organizing?, then there’s good news: there are plenty of ways to do it. You can organize a physical event, virtual event, webinar, meetup, conference, workshop or retreat. The benefit of organizing an event is that the ticket cost and sponsorships can be major income sources but they also come with a large investment of time and resources.

We’ll look at how to organize events in more detail in a future post but for now here are the key things you need to know about events as a monetization option:


If you have a lot of content on a topic that really interests people, you can write an ebook and sell it. There are many ways to approach this. You could do it yourself and sell it for a set price. You could also use a third party to sell your ebook for you, where they will take care of the sales process as well as paying out royalties (more on royalties below).

In addition to getting sales directly from your website, advertise your ebook by including its title and cover image in each of your blog posts.

This way readers know that you’ve written an ebook on the same topic and may want to buy it if they enjoy reading what they see in your post.

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Sponsored Posts And Social Media

In an ideal world, you would be able to make money blogging simply by having a blog and writing about your interests. In practice, however, that’s not enough because even if you have a popular blog, the revenue from your blog may not be enough to support you or give you the freedom from your day job.

To truly monetize your blog and make money blogging, there are several different ways to do so.

One way is through sponsored posts or social media posts. This is where brands who sell products in your niche pay you to post about their products on Instagram or LinkedIn.

For example, if you have a food blogger and are posting recipes regularly on Twitter and Instagram. Brands that sell ingredients like sugar or artificial sweeteners in baking might pay you $100 for each tweet where you plug their product as an ingredient in an upcoming recipe post.

You can also get paid per view or click of the sponsored link on some platforms like Facebook Ads or Google Adwords which will bring visitors directly to the brand’s website.

Blogging can make you money

The best thing about starting a blog is that you can do it on your own terms. You don’t need permission from anyone or to know anything about building a business plan.

Your blog will grow as you grow, and you can start earning money immediately through one of the many ways to monetize a blog.

Starting a blog can be a profitable business for one person or an entire team. The idea of working for yourself, creating content about something you care about and making money doing it is pretty amazing!

Even if your dream job doesn’t end up being blogging full-time, blogging can serve as an excellent side hustle while you work at another job, especially when that other job is one that drains your creativity.

Blogging on the side will give you the freedom to pursue projects and topics that interest you now but may not fit into whatever company or institution employs you full-time!

If you ever want to start another business, whether online or brick-and-mortar, using your blog as your main marketing tool will get more eyes on what it is that you’re offering others!


There are many different ways to monetize a blog including sponsored posts, advertising, affiliate marketing, e-books, and e-courses.

The ultimate goal is to provide value to your readers while earning money on the side. The key is to experiment with different income streams until you find what works for you. What happens if you can’t find something that works? Try a few ideas at once until you figure out which ones are most effective for what you’re trying to accomplish.

LEARN More About Public Speaking and Affiliate marketing Here

How to Succeed In Affiliate marketing

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